Friday 13 August 2010

Friday the 13th

Just realised the date . . .

. . . Well if there's any Freddy's or Johnny's, or other icon horror film characters lurking - I think its all Bull, so don't bother ;)

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A typical August in Britain

1st of all I must apologise for the lack of blog posts the last few weeks. This has been due to a sudden influx of other items fighting for my attention & time.

Now I am going to do an extremely British thing - Moan about the weather. For centuries we have been at the receiving end of jokes about how we are never satisfied with the weather in England, unless that is when we are complaining about it to anyone who'll listen.

Well time old fashion - What has been going on with the weather this August?!

Apparently according to the men in white coats June was the hottest the North Hemisphere has experience since records began & it the 1st half of August is anything to go by this could be the wettest August since records began.

If one was unaccustomed to the British weather & were to look out of their window over the last few days, you'd be forgiven in thinking it was April not August. The sudden torrential down pours, separated by spells of beautiful warm sunshine. The phrase 'April Showers' comes to mind.

Now I don't expect England to suddenly have the same climate as the Med or even Alaska for that point . . . But I just wish it would make up its bloody mind!

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